by Skip Cook | Apr 3, 2023 | Uncategorized, Remodeling, Roofing, Tips
If your home was damaged during the March 31 tornado that hit metro Little Rock, give us a call today at 501.960.3329 to get started on your tornado damage repairs!
by Skip Cook | Jun 15, 2021 | Remodeling
“When I got home from work, the family room looked much like the master bedroom, only worse. Dogs had [made a mess] on the laminate floor until it was buckled everywhere. We had to haul an entire dumpster load of garbage, trash, and torn-up furniture...
by Skip Cook | Jun 27, 2019 | Tips
Often times in real estate transactions, bad news comes at the worst possible time: At or near a closing date when damage or inadequate construction issues are called to the forefront by a home inspector, hired by the buyer of the home. Some items most often called...
by Skip Cook | Jun 24, 2019 | Tips
When selecting a contractor to install your new roof or remodel your home, lots of questions can go through your head about choosing the right professional for the job. Here are five key questions your contractor should have answers to: Do you hold all of the...
by Skip Cook | May 31, 2019 | Tips
Have you ever taken the time to consider why most of us heat water for showers, dishes, and laundry to impossibly hot temperatures, only to add cold water to make the temps comfortable to human touch? Whether you are heating water in your home with a gas or electric...
by Skip Cook | May 24, 2019 | Roofing
Often, when homeowners face the prospect of replacing a roof because of storm damage or just plain wear and tear, they have options. Some people make a critical mistake; Going with the “Cheap” option — Overlaying their existing roof with new shingles. Such a...